miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

Cookies navideñas

Publicado por Guía en 11:15
Ingredientes Cookies
 Manteca 200 g
Azúcar 250 g
Huevo 1
Esencia de vainilla 1 cdita
 Harina 350 g
 Polvo para hornear 1/2 cdita
 Decoración Coco rallado 4 cdas
Azúcar 1 cda
 Clara 1/2
Cerezas al maraschino 36

Procedimiento Cookies
 Mezclar la manteca blanda con el azúcar. Luego, añadir el huevo, la esencia de vainilla y unir. Por último, agregar los ingredientes secos tamizados y combinar. Envolver en papel film autoadherente y llevar a la heladera hasta que esté firme. Estirar la masa con un palo de amasar sobre una mesada espolvoreada con harina. Cortar galletitas redondas y disponerlas sobre una placa enmantecada y enharinada. Decoración Mezclar el coco con el azúcar. Agregar la clara y colocar la preparación sobre las galletas para formar la barba. Con sobrantes de masa, hacer la nariz, los ojos y las cejas para ubicar en las cookies. Secar las cerezas con papel absorbente, cortar el medio y formar los cachetes. Cocinar en un horno precalentado a temperatura media durante 12 min aprox.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Crepes de cacao

Publicado por Guía en 15:10

    Agua 2 tazas
    Manzanas 1
    Coco rallado 1 taza
    Sal 1 pizca
    Esencia de vainilla 1 cdita
    Miel 1 cdita
    Cacao en polvo 1 taza
    Lino 80 g

Dulce de leche

    Dátiles 250 g
    Algarroba 2 cdas
    Sal 1/2 cdita
    Miel 1 cda
    Esencia de vainilla 1/2 cdita
    Agua 100 cc
    Aceite de coco 1/2 cdita


    Bananas 2
    Frutos rojos 250 g

Panqueques En una licuadora, poner todos los ingredientes y moler hasta obtener una masa líquida.
Sobre una placa siliconada, formar discos delgados de 10 cm de diámetro.
Deshidratar los discos por espacio de 2 horas, de cada lado, a 100°C. Dulce de leche Mezclar todos los ingredientes en una licuadora y pulsar, hasta obtener una crema con textura similar al dulce de leche. Montaje Untar cada panqueque con dulce de leche y rellenar con rebanadas de banana.
Presentar con frutos rojos por encima, para acompañar.

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Dedos de Bruja - Halloween

Publicado por Guía en 17:40

Dedos de Bruja


Porciones: 60
  • 225 gr de manteca blanda
  • 125 grs de azúcar impalpable
  • 1 huevo
  • 1/2 cucharadita de extracto de almendras
  • 1/2 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
  • 335 grs de harina común
  • 1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
  • 1 pizca de sal
  • 3/4 taza de almendras
  • colorante rojo en gel cantidad necesaria
  • Modo de preparación

    Preparación: 15 minuto/s | Tiempo de cocción: 20 minuto/s

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Hamburguesa a la Gordon Ramsay

Publicado por Guía en 19:10


1 Carne molida
1 pieza de Cebolla blanca , picada
2 cucharadas de Catsup
0.25 taza de Ajo , picado
2 cucharadas de Salsa inglesa
2 cucharadas de Salsa tabasco
1 cucharada de Mostaza
1 pieza de Huevo
5 piezas de Pan para hot dog

Modo de preparacion

Mézclar todos los ingredientes

Forma las hamburguesas y ponerlas en la plancha hasta que esten doradas

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Receta de Pisco Sour

Publicado por Guía en 16:40

3 medidas de Pisco
2 medidas de azúcar
1 medida de jugo de limon
1 clara de huevo
hielo a gusto

Mezcle el pisco con azucar y el jugo de limon en una licuadora, luego agregue la clara de huevo y hielo hasta que el nivel quede a 3/4 del vaso de la licuadora. Licue. Sirvalo y disfrutelo!!

Para servir puede hecharle un poquito de amargo de angostura para decorar

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Cookies & Creme PUDDING POPS

Publicado por Guía en 17:59

prep time
10 min
total time
5 hr 10 min
9 servings, 1 pop (110 g) each

What You Need
6 Oreo Cookies
1 pkg. (4-serving size) Jell-O Chocolate Instant Pudding
2 cups cold milk
1/2 cup thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping

BEAT pudding mix and milk in medium bowl with whisk 2 min.

PLACE cookies in resealable plastic bag; seal bag. Crush with rolling pin.

ADD cookie crumbs and Cool Whip; stir just until blended.

SPOON into 9 paper or plastic cups. Insert wooden pop stick or plastic spoon into each for handle. Freeze 5 hours or until firm.

kitchens tips
How to Remove Frozen Pops from Cups
Place bottom of each cup in bowl of warm water for 15 sec. Press firmly onto bottom of cup to release pop. (Do not twist or pull pop stick.)
Make Ahead
Keep these frosty desserts on hand for special summer treats!
Prepare using Jell-O Vanilla Instant Pudding.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Carpaccio de Salmón

Publicado por Guía en 18:10


400 g de salmón fresco en una sola pieza
8 cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen extra
1 limón
Unas ramitas de ciboullette
Una cucharadita de pimientas variadas


Colocamos el salmón en el Frezzer durante una hora. Esto permitirá, después, poder laminarlo fino y fácilmente con ayuda de un cuchillo jamonero.
Mezclamos el aceite con el jugo de limón y los sazonamos con sal y pimientas variadas recién molidas.
Media hora antes de consumir el preparado, abrillantamos las láminas finas de salmón con esta mezcla y lo reservamos todo tapado en el frigorífico. Por ultimo servimos el carpaccio.

Si deseas acompañar el carpaccio puedes optar por pepinos en conserva, cebollas en conserva o aceitunas y alcaparras.

miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Healthy Diet

Publicado por Guía en 18:01
Image hosted by uppix.net

Going on a healthy diet plan is the best you can do for your degrading wellness. A healthy diet consists of various proteins, fresh fruits, green and leafy vegetables to fulfill the nutrient requirements of your body. Taking into consideration the adjustments in lifestyle, a healthy diet plan is a ought to to guarantee a disease free life. Following adopting a healthy diet plan, you will notice the changes in your self and it also assists in eliminating chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes from your life.

A healthy diet plan provides you with the appropriate quantity of nutrients and extra power. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and when you feel fine and energetic, only then can you do all the necessary tasks for the day. Right after eating healthy food, you will feel fresh and pleased. A poor diet plan makes you tired, irritated and sluggish. This happens because a poor diet plan lacks in nutritious vitamins and minerals which are important to your body.

Your body needs a number of nutrients and these nutrients come from good food, green vegetables, fresh fruits, correct hydration and proteins.

Creating certain that all these nutrient requirements are fulfilled properly will help you to attain a balanced and healthy diet plan. If you are interested in maintaining great wellness, then having four to five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day is needed. Eating distinct vegetables day-to-day, could work wonders for your wellness.

Following doing some analysis, you will find that to some extent, even fats are excellent for your well being. Omega fatty acids are a boon for your heart as well as brain. Fatty acids decrease the inflammation and occurrence of diseases in your body. Fatty acids are present in fish oil, cod liver oil, salmon oil, nuts, eggs and fish.

The protein requirements of your body ought to also be given attention. Hair, skin and nails of your body are created of proteins. Proteins are present in fish, egg and chicken. Vegetarians could opt for beans, Soya and nuts.

Purified water is also necessary in healthy diet consisting of healthy foods. The water that you consume will help in detoxifying your body and will cleanse it. It keeps your skin and brain healthy. A person need to drink at least ten glasses of water everyday but if you are involved in more rigorous physical activities then a lot more consumption of water is advisable.

Losing the extra weight and creating oneself fit and fine will in no way turn into a reality unless you start off following a strict exercise routine.

You are required to eat the proper amounts to make sure a properly balanced and healthy food intake. Your diet really should be rich in proteins. Since school days, we have discover that proteins are the developing blocks of our life and aid in repairing worn out tissues, so eat a diet plan that includes protein. Have nutritional bars which have high protein content and they will avoid you from consuming junk food as properly. Have soups and nuts in your snacks time. Stay healthy by chalking out a diet plan chart for oneself.

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Coca Cola Cupcake Recipe

Publicado por Guía en 15:11

Part One
• 1 cup coca cola or other cola drink
• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup vegetable oil
• 1/4 cup powdered cocoa
• 22 large marshmallows

Part two
• 2 cups all purpose flour
• 2 cups sugar
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 1 cup buttermilk
• 2 large eggs, beaten

Coca Cola Cupcake Recipe Directions

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners. These cupcakes work best with the silver metallic liners.
Part one

In a small saucepan mix cola, butter, vegetable oil and cocoa. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, and add marshmallows. Place lid on saucepan and leave until marshmallows begin to melt. Stir well.
Part two

Mix flour, sugar, and baking soda in a large mixing bowl. Add buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla. Mix well.

Combine Part One and Part Two in the mixing bowl. Spoon cupcake batter into cupcake pan liners until they are 1/2 to 2/3 full.

Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool cupcakes completely before frosting with Coca Cola frosting.

Easy Cupcake Recipe

Publicado por Guía en 15:03


• 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
• 1 1/3 cups sugar
• 3 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 cup shortening
• 1 cup milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 2 large eggs

Easy Cupcake Recipe Directions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners.

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add shortening, milk, and vanilla. Beat for 1 minute on medium speed. Scrape side of bowl with a spatula.

Add eggs to the mixture. Beat for 1 minute on medium speed. Scrape bowl again. Beat on high speed for 1 minute 30 seconds until well mixed.

Spoon cupcake batter into paper liners until 1/2 to 2/3 full.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool 5 minutes in pans then remove and place on wire racks to cool completely.

Once cupcakes are completely cooled, frost with your favorite frosting recipe or decorate as you desire.

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

Cookies navideñas

Ingredientes Cookies
 Manteca 200 g
Azúcar 250 g
Huevo 1
Esencia de vainilla 1 cdita
 Harina 350 g
 Polvo para hornear 1/2 cdita
 Decoración Coco rallado 4 cdas
Azúcar 1 cda
 Clara 1/2
Cerezas al maraschino 36

Procedimiento Cookies
 Mezclar la manteca blanda con el azúcar. Luego, añadir el huevo, la esencia de vainilla y unir. Por último, agregar los ingredientes secos tamizados y combinar. Envolver en papel film autoadherente y llevar a la heladera hasta que esté firme. Estirar la masa con un palo de amasar sobre una mesada espolvoreada con harina. Cortar galletitas redondas y disponerlas sobre una placa enmantecada y enharinada. Decoración Mezclar el coco con el azúcar. Agregar la clara y colocar la preparación sobre las galletas para formar la barba. Con sobrantes de masa, hacer la nariz, los ojos y las cejas para ubicar en las cookies. Secar las cerezas con papel absorbente, cortar el medio y formar los cachetes. Cocinar en un horno precalentado a temperatura media durante 12 min aprox.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Crepes de cacao


    Agua 2 tazas
    Manzanas 1
    Coco rallado 1 taza
    Sal 1 pizca
    Esencia de vainilla 1 cdita
    Miel 1 cdita
    Cacao en polvo 1 taza
    Lino 80 g

Dulce de leche

    Dátiles 250 g
    Algarroba 2 cdas
    Sal 1/2 cdita
    Miel 1 cda
    Esencia de vainilla 1/2 cdita
    Agua 100 cc
    Aceite de coco 1/2 cdita


    Bananas 2
    Frutos rojos 250 g

Panqueques En una licuadora, poner todos los ingredientes y moler hasta obtener una masa líquida.
Sobre una placa siliconada, formar discos delgados de 10 cm de diámetro.
Deshidratar los discos por espacio de 2 horas, de cada lado, a 100°C. Dulce de leche Mezclar todos los ingredientes en una licuadora y pulsar, hasta obtener una crema con textura similar al dulce de leche. Montaje Untar cada panqueque con dulce de leche y rellenar con rebanadas de banana.
Presentar con frutos rojos por encima, para acompañar.

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Dedos de Bruja - Halloween

Dedos de Bruja


Porciones: 60
  • 225 gr de manteca blanda
  • 125 grs de azúcar impalpable
  • 1 huevo
  • 1/2 cucharadita de extracto de almendras
  • 1/2 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
  • 335 grs de harina común
  • 1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
  • 1 pizca de sal
  • 3/4 taza de almendras
  • colorante rojo en gel cantidad necesaria
  • Modo de preparación

    Preparación: 15 minuto/s | Tiempo de cocción: 20 minuto/s

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Hamburguesa a la Gordon Ramsay


1 Carne molida
1 pieza de Cebolla blanca , picada
2 cucharadas de Catsup
0.25 taza de Ajo , picado
2 cucharadas de Salsa inglesa
2 cucharadas de Salsa tabasco
1 cucharada de Mostaza
1 pieza de Huevo
5 piezas de Pan para hot dog

Modo de preparacion

Mézclar todos los ingredientes

Forma las hamburguesas y ponerlas en la plancha hasta que esten doradas

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Receta de Pisco Sour

3 medidas de Pisco
2 medidas de azúcar
1 medida de jugo de limon
1 clara de huevo
hielo a gusto

Mezcle el pisco con azucar y el jugo de limon en una licuadora, luego agregue la clara de huevo y hielo hasta que el nivel quede a 3/4 del vaso de la licuadora. Licue. Sirvalo y disfrutelo!!

Para servir puede hecharle un poquito de amargo de angostura para decorar

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Cookies & Creme PUDDING POPS

prep time
10 min
total time
5 hr 10 min
9 servings, 1 pop (110 g) each

What You Need
6 Oreo Cookies
1 pkg. (4-serving size) Jell-O Chocolate Instant Pudding
2 cups cold milk
1/2 cup thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping

BEAT pudding mix and milk in medium bowl with whisk 2 min.

PLACE cookies in resealable plastic bag; seal bag. Crush with rolling pin.

ADD cookie crumbs and Cool Whip; stir just until blended.

SPOON into 9 paper or plastic cups. Insert wooden pop stick or plastic spoon into each for handle. Freeze 5 hours or until firm.

kitchens tips
How to Remove Frozen Pops from Cups
Place bottom of each cup in bowl of warm water for 15 sec. Press firmly onto bottom of cup to release pop. (Do not twist or pull pop stick.)
Make Ahead
Keep these frosty desserts on hand for special summer treats!
Prepare using Jell-O Vanilla Instant Pudding.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Carpaccio de Salmón


400 g de salmón fresco en una sola pieza
8 cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen extra
1 limón
Unas ramitas de ciboullette
Una cucharadita de pimientas variadas


Colocamos el salmón en el Frezzer durante una hora. Esto permitirá, después, poder laminarlo fino y fácilmente con ayuda de un cuchillo jamonero.
Mezclamos el aceite con el jugo de limón y los sazonamos con sal y pimientas variadas recién molidas.
Media hora antes de consumir el preparado, abrillantamos las láminas finas de salmón con esta mezcla y lo reservamos todo tapado en el frigorífico. Por ultimo servimos el carpaccio.

Si deseas acompañar el carpaccio puedes optar por pepinos en conserva, cebollas en conserva o aceitunas y alcaparras.

miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Healthy Diet

Image hosted by uppix.net

Going on a healthy diet plan is the best you can do for your degrading wellness. A healthy diet consists of various proteins, fresh fruits, green and leafy vegetables to fulfill the nutrient requirements of your body. Taking into consideration the adjustments in lifestyle, a healthy diet plan is a ought to to guarantee a disease free life. Following adopting a healthy diet plan, you will notice the changes in your self and it also assists in eliminating chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes from your life.

A healthy diet plan provides you with the appropriate quantity of nutrients and extra power. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and when you feel fine and energetic, only then can you do all the necessary tasks for the day. Right after eating healthy food, you will feel fresh and pleased. A poor diet plan makes you tired, irritated and sluggish. This happens because a poor diet plan lacks in nutritious vitamins and minerals which are important to your body.

Your body needs a number of nutrients and these nutrients come from good food, green vegetables, fresh fruits, correct hydration and proteins.

Creating certain that all these nutrient requirements are fulfilled properly will help you to attain a balanced and healthy diet plan. If you are interested in maintaining great wellness, then having four to five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day is needed. Eating distinct vegetables day-to-day, could work wonders for your wellness.

Following doing some analysis, you will find that to some extent, even fats are excellent for your well being. Omega fatty acids are a boon for your heart as well as brain. Fatty acids decrease the inflammation and occurrence of diseases in your body. Fatty acids are present in fish oil, cod liver oil, salmon oil, nuts, eggs and fish.

The protein requirements of your body ought to also be given attention. Hair, skin and nails of your body are created of proteins. Proteins are present in fish, egg and chicken. Vegetarians could opt for beans, Soya and nuts.

Purified water is also necessary in healthy diet consisting of healthy foods. The water that you consume will help in detoxifying your body and will cleanse it. It keeps your skin and brain healthy. A person need to drink at least ten glasses of water everyday but if you are involved in more rigorous physical activities then a lot more consumption of water is advisable.

Losing the extra weight and creating oneself fit and fine will in no way turn into a reality unless you start off following a strict exercise routine.

You are required to eat the proper amounts to make sure a properly balanced and healthy food intake. Your diet really should be rich in proteins. Since school days, we have discover that proteins are the developing blocks of our life and aid in repairing worn out tissues, so eat a diet plan that includes protein. Have nutritional bars which have high protein content and they will avoid you from consuming junk food as properly. Have soups and nuts in your snacks time. Stay healthy by chalking out a diet plan chart for oneself.

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Coca Cola Cupcake Recipe

Part One
• 1 cup coca cola or other cola drink
• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup vegetable oil
• 1/4 cup powdered cocoa
• 22 large marshmallows

Part two
• 2 cups all purpose flour
• 2 cups sugar
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 1 cup buttermilk
• 2 large eggs, beaten

Coca Cola Cupcake Recipe Directions

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners. These cupcakes work best with the silver metallic liners.
Part one

In a small saucepan mix cola, butter, vegetable oil and cocoa. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, and add marshmallows. Place lid on saucepan and leave until marshmallows begin to melt. Stir well.
Part two

Mix flour, sugar, and baking soda in a large mixing bowl. Add buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla. Mix well.

Combine Part One and Part Two in the mixing bowl. Spoon cupcake batter into cupcake pan liners until they are 1/2 to 2/3 full.

Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool cupcakes completely before frosting with Coca Cola frosting.

Easy Cupcake Recipe


• 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
• 1 1/3 cups sugar
• 3 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 cup shortening
• 1 cup milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 2 large eggs

Easy Cupcake Recipe Directions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners.

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add shortening, milk, and vanilla. Beat for 1 minute on medium speed. Scrape side of bowl with a spatula.

Add eggs to the mixture. Beat for 1 minute on medium speed. Scrape bowl again. Beat on high speed for 1 minute 30 seconds until well mixed.

Spoon cupcake batter into paper liners until 1/2 to 2/3 full.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool 5 minutes in pans then remove and place on wire racks to cool completely.

Once cupcakes are completely cooled, frost with your favorite frosting recipe or decorate as you desire.

Todas Mis Recetas Copyright 2009 Sweet Cupcake Designed by Ipiet Templates Image by Tadpole's Notez